Friday, November 7, 2008

Top COBRA characters

The other day we were shopping in Sulphur Springs for Knight's birthday that is coming up. As I was looking at the toy (which I almost always do) I found something. In case you didn't know or realize this, G.I. Joe toys have been re-released in the last couple of years. These are the good ones too; updated with new molds and weapons and such. I am very excited about this and would love to be able to collect these to share with Knight as he grows know that kind of father and son bonding thing. Anyway, here is a new top 10 list for you today. I am taking from my first list of toys and expanding on #1, which was G.I. Joe. So here for you to read over, a list of my top 10 favorite G.I. Joe characters, starting with the COBRAs.


10) Serpentor- The totally created COBRA Emporor. When a few of the higher ups in the COBRA organization decided that COBRA Commander had lost it, they genetically engineered this guy from the DNA of past military rulers such as Ghengis Kahn and Alexander the Great. He had all the potential of being the ultimate leader...until he took an arrow through the eyeball in battle.

9) Wild Weasal- He was the lead pilot for COBRA. He flew the Rattler which was a pretty freaking cool aircraft.

8) Scrap Iron- This guy was evil and ruthless. He once climbed to the top of a telephone pole with a portable missle launcher and blew up a car holding an innocent driver, a woman, COBRA Commanders son, and the Soft Master (Storm Shadow's uncle). Now that's just cold blooded.

7) Fred- Yeah I know. It doesn't seem like a very bad dude with a name like Fred. The thing is, these were the guys who were the elite soldiers for COBRA. They moved them into neighborhoods to start the process of recruiting for the organization. That is how you build a terrorist organization it would seem. There was even one of the Fred's who took over as COBRA Comannder for a while.

6) Barroness- She was the lone female officer for COBRA. She was however divided between her loyalty to the organization and her love for Destro.

5) The Twins (Tomax and Xamot)- These two brothers were mirror images of each other. The only difference was the scar that one of them had (I confess I don't remember which one it was). They led the Crimson Guardsmen (the Freds) and were every bit as bad the guys the were in charge of.

4) Zartan- The master of disguise. Zartan was a mimic of uncanny skill. It was he who killed the Hard Master (Storm Shadow's other uncle) while trying to kill Storm Shadow. He could make himself up to look like anyone and was the leader of a group of bikers called the Dreadnoks. On top of that, he liked to live in the swamp.

3) Destro- This guy was all about the money really, supplying COBRA with the weapons that he manufactured. Mainly, he just sold to the highest bidder (like all evil black market weapons dealers do). The dude wore a chrome mask and later a gold one. It was a family tradition dating back centuries. Regardless of the reason, he was one bad dude whose face you could use a mirror to see how badly he had just whipped you.

2) Firefly- This guy was just bad. As a kid, this was the COBRA guy that we just loved. He looked flipping awesome and had a sweet bio. The guy was known for his ability to destroy things without detection. As his bio says, no one ever saw him go in or come out. That was what we loved about him...that and he looked like a ninja.

1) COBRA Commander- The top of the heap here. He was the leader of the largest terror organization that there was. He was a man that was so ruthless and cruel that he was ok with torturing his own son and killing him if need be...all in the name of power. No one ever knew who he actually was or what he really looked like. He wore the classic COBRA helmet, but with a full metal shield covering his face. When he was relaxing at COBRA HQ, or was addressing his troops, he wore a simple yet effective hood over his entire head with nothing but holes for his eyes. All in all he was a hardcore bad guy that always gave the Joes fits.

There it is. My list of the Top 10 COBRA characters. Check back next week for the list of my Top 10 Joes. Peace and Love y'all.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Than Mere Words

If you are a guy...or just a have probably had things run through your mind that you wanted to say that really you probably shouldn't. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about here. It happens all the time really. I have no scientific proof of any of this, but I would venture to say that this especially happens to married men. We just tend to say things without thinking first usually to our wives. I think that this video really speaks to this problem and I wanted to share it with you.

Just a few things to keep in mind. Peace and Love y'all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day

Here we are the day after the most historic election in our country's history. It is awesome to get to be a part of this day honestly. I always find it to be incredible when history happens and you can say you were there to witness it. In many ways this is the culmination of what so many people have worked for so many years. This is the culmination of what Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. started all those years ago. What an incredible feeling.

Now, I know that there are some people who have their doubts about how this is going to work out. I think in part the fear comes from the idea of change. I there are other things that people are worried about, but that is for a different time than this. This country is ready for change.

This is my day to write a faith blog I know. Honestly that's what this is. With the election of Obama in the books, I got to thinking this morning about this. Almost immediately a scripture came to my mind. That scripture is one that I have thought about many times and yet today it seems so very fitting. Here it is:

"Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5

Here is my view on this election. I was reading a blog yesterday on called "Election Test." This was a true/false test about the election. One of the things that stood out in the test was the question that went something like this: Regardless of what happens in this election, God is still in control. That is the big thing for me with this election. As a person of faith, what is important is for me to pray for God to use the person that He has placed in power. Romans 13:1 talks about how those who are in power are put there by God. We serve an infinitely huge God, so big there is no way we can ever fully understand or describe Him. So why do we seem to some times take on the attitude in situations like this that He has been knocked off of His throne?

If you have to see yourself as Job in all this, then by all means do that I guess. We are called to first be loyal to the Kingdom of God with loyalty to country as distant second at best. God is a God of change...He himself doesn't change, but He is all about changing us and our lives. God is bringing about a new day, not a repeat of the other day. In the end, God is still in control, the tomb is still empty, and Jesus is still our one hope of salvation from eternal death. No president or election changes that. Peace and Love y'all.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

17 of 18

Do you have any kind of superstitions? I ask because of the fact that it seems that nearly everyone has some kind of superstition about something.

In baseball, there are pitchers who refuse to step on the chalk baselines headed to and from the mound. Guys wear the same cap for months on end without washing it, or will always eat the exact same foods on the day of a game, sleep in the same shorts, use the same blankets or lay the same way when they go to bed. At the University of Maryland they touch a statue of a turtle before they take the field for a football game; at Clemson University it is a rock as the take the field, and at Notre Dame they tap the "Play Like a Champion Today" sign on the way out of the locker room.

Fans will do the same kinds of things. We eat certain meals at games and sit in particular chairs; we don't shave and we wear our "lucky" jerseys to watch. We do all of this with the idea in mind that it some how effects the cosmos and helps our team to perform better. If it makes you feel better than by all means, go for it.

I bring all this up for a reason though. With this being election day, I got to thinking about a couple of things that I had heard concerning superstitions with this election. There was a Democratic campaign manager I believe in Ohio who has made sure to wear the same baseball cap and had not shaved in a few weeks since it seemed that Obama had a strong showing in the state which was different from the last two elections.

The biggest one that I have heard as of late has to do with the Washington Redskins. It seems that with the last 18 elections, when the Redskins have played a home game the Sunday before, you could determine the winner of the election by how the game turned out. In 17 of the last 18 if the Redskins won then, the party that was in the White House stayed in the White House; if they lost then the party not in the White House won. Well, the Redskins had a home game last night, the night before the election, and they lost. So according to the superstition, the Democratic Party should be on the winning end. Now, I can't say that this is something that is fool proof, after all there is one discrepancy in that record. So take it for what it's worth. Peace and Love y'all.

Today's the Day

Well today is the big day here in our country. This is the day that we find out if Kyle Orton will be out for a month or if it will be less than that for the Bears. Oh wait, that isn't it. Seems like there is something that is going on today though, something important. Oh that's right, it's election day here in America. This is the day we will choose the new leader for our country. Will it be Obama or McCain at the end of the day?

I'm going to tell you that this is a very important day in our history. Many feel that this could be the biggest, most important election ever held in our history. This is a big deal today. So if you are old enough, you really should be voting today. Schools should be allowing students who are of age to go and vote and not hold it against them as far as attendance goes. Employers should be allowing employees to do the same thing. We talk about the importance of voting, now we have to stand by that.

I will be honest with you here...I don't care how you vote actually. I don't think that voting for the Democrats will send you straight to hell and I know without a doubt that voting Republican will not get you into Heaven (or even that much closer to it). God does not favor a party despite what we may hear on occasion. The importnat thing is for you to get out there and vote. If you feel that Obama is the man to lead us into the future, then by all means vote that way. If you feel that it is McCain's time then vote that way.

I would encourage you to make your own choice about this though. If you pray, then pray about which way you should vote. If not, then look at all the facts and information and use that to determine which way you will vote. DON'T vote based solely on what someone famous has said about their candidate, or because of what the media says, or even because it is the way that your family has always voted. Exercise your own free will and freedom of choice and vote for who you feel is best.

This has been a long campaign. We have been hearing about McCain and Obama for what feels like ages, but the time has finally come. This is an important day, in our history, in our culture, in our lives. Be sure you do your part. Peace and Love y'all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wreck "Em

This weekend saw one of the best college games of the season if not ever when Texas came to Tech for a face-off. It was #1 against #7 and it was a great match-up. It was one of those games where you know that there are going to be a lot of points scored, but you don't really know which way it is going to go in the end.

To be honest I really wasn't sure that Tech had a chance to win, but I did expect them to keep it close. And did they ever stay close with the Longhorns. They were so close in fact that they were leading at the half 22-6. They were clicking in the game and seemed to be able to move the ball at will. It was amazing to watch. Not only was the offense doing a great job, but the defense, so much improved over the last few seasons, was finding ways to stop the Longhorns. Other than really two big plays on offense, they seemed to hold them in check. It was amazing. And Michael Crabtree made a man sized play on that final touchdown of the game. With 8 seconds left he grabbed the ball, shrugged off a tackler, stayed in bounds and sprinted the last five yards to end zone with one second left showing on the clock. It was rather beasty really. That kid is good if you hadn't noticed. Final score 39-33 Red Raiders.

Congrats to the Red Raiders. After the huge upset, they have jumped to number 2 in the BCS standings behind Alabama and ahead of Penn State. This week they get the Cowboys of Oklahoma State. Should be a good match up as OSU has put together a fantastic season. This also offers a match-up of two of the top wide receivers in college football in Crabtree and Dez Bryant. That should be be a great match up there. It is an exciting time to be a Texas Tech fan it would seem.

On a slightly different note, I read a report today about some fans getting scammed at this game though. It was people who showed up looking to score tickets late, and were willing to pay folks who had some for sale there at the gate. According to the report, around 500 folks forked over some cash for fake tickets. That really bites dude. A Tech official commented on this saying that the fake tickets looked like regular tickets, but the bar codes would of course not work. I hate to hear that, not so much because they missed a great game, but because they had their money taken from them. I guess that is just another reason to get your tickets ahead of time. Peace and Love y'all.