Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today's the Day

Well today is the big day here in our country. This is the day that we find out if Kyle Orton will be out for a month or if it will be less than that for the Bears. Oh wait, that isn't it. Seems like there is something that is going on today though, something important. Oh that's right, it's election day here in America. This is the day we will choose the new leader for our country. Will it be Obama or McCain at the end of the day?

I'm going to tell you that this is a very important day in our history. Many feel that this could be the biggest, most important election ever held in our history. This is a big deal today. So if you are old enough, you really should be voting today. Schools should be allowing students who are of age to go and vote and not hold it against them as far as attendance goes. Employers should be allowing employees to do the same thing. We talk about the importance of voting, now we have to stand by that.

I will be honest with you here...I don't care how you vote actually. I don't think that voting for the Democrats will send you straight to hell and I know without a doubt that voting Republican will not get you into Heaven (or even that much closer to it). God does not favor a party despite what we may hear on occasion. The importnat thing is for you to get out there and vote. If you feel that Obama is the man to lead us into the future, then by all means vote that way. If you feel that it is McCain's time then vote that way.

I would encourage you to make your own choice about this though. If you pray, then pray about which way you should vote. If not, then look at all the facts and information and use that to determine which way you will vote. DON'T vote based solely on what someone famous has said about their candidate, or because of what the media says, or even because it is the way that your family has always voted. Exercise your own free will and freedom of choice and vote for who you feel is best.

This has been a long campaign. We have been hearing about McCain and Obama for what feels like ages, but the time has finally come. This is an important day, in our history, in our culture, in our lives. Be sure you do your part. Peace and Love y'all.

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