Friday, November 7, 2008

Top COBRA characters

The other day we were shopping in Sulphur Springs for Knight's birthday that is coming up. As I was looking at the toy (which I almost always do) I found something. In case you didn't know or realize this, G.I. Joe toys have been re-released in the last couple of years. These are the good ones too; updated with new molds and weapons and such. I am very excited about this and would love to be able to collect these to share with Knight as he grows know that kind of father and son bonding thing. Anyway, here is a new top 10 list for you today. I am taking from my first list of toys and expanding on #1, which was G.I. Joe. So here for you to read over, a list of my top 10 favorite G.I. Joe characters, starting with the COBRAs.


10) Serpentor- The totally created COBRA Emporor. When a few of the higher ups in the COBRA organization decided that COBRA Commander had lost it, they genetically engineered this guy from the DNA of past military rulers such as Ghengis Kahn and Alexander the Great. He had all the potential of being the ultimate leader...until he took an arrow through the eyeball in battle.

9) Wild Weasal- He was the lead pilot for COBRA. He flew the Rattler which was a pretty freaking cool aircraft.

8) Scrap Iron- This guy was evil and ruthless. He once climbed to the top of a telephone pole with a portable missle launcher and blew up a car holding an innocent driver, a woman, COBRA Commanders son, and the Soft Master (Storm Shadow's uncle). Now that's just cold blooded.

7) Fred- Yeah I know. It doesn't seem like a very bad dude with a name like Fred. The thing is, these were the guys who were the elite soldiers for COBRA. They moved them into neighborhoods to start the process of recruiting for the organization. That is how you build a terrorist organization it would seem. There was even one of the Fred's who took over as COBRA Comannder for a while.

6) Barroness- She was the lone female officer for COBRA. She was however divided between her loyalty to the organization and her love for Destro.

5) The Twins (Tomax and Xamot)- These two brothers were mirror images of each other. The only difference was the scar that one of them had (I confess I don't remember which one it was). They led the Crimson Guardsmen (the Freds) and were every bit as bad the guys the were in charge of.

4) Zartan- The master of disguise. Zartan was a mimic of uncanny skill. It was he who killed the Hard Master (Storm Shadow's other uncle) while trying to kill Storm Shadow. He could make himself up to look like anyone and was the leader of a group of bikers called the Dreadnoks. On top of that, he liked to live in the swamp.

3) Destro- This guy was all about the money really, supplying COBRA with the weapons that he manufactured. Mainly, he just sold to the highest bidder (like all evil black market weapons dealers do). The dude wore a chrome mask and later a gold one. It was a family tradition dating back centuries. Regardless of the reason, he was one bad dude whose face you could use a mirror to see how badly he had just whipped you.

2) Firefly- This guy was just bad. As a kid, this was the COBRA guy that we just loved. He looked flipping awesome and had a sweet bio. The guy was known for his ability to destroy things without detection. As his bio says, no one ever saw him go in or come out. That was what we loved about him...that and he looked like a ninja.

1) COBRA Commander- The top of the heap here. He was the leader of the largest terror organization that there was. He was a man that was so ruthless and cruel that he was ok with torturing his own son and killing him if need be...all in the name of power. No one ever knew who he actually was or what he really looked like. He wore the classic COBRA helmet, but with a full metal shield covering his face. When he was relaxing at COBRA HQ, or was addressing his troops, he wore a simple yet effective hood over his entire head with nothing but holes for his eyes. All in all he was a hardcore bad guy that always gave the Joes fits.

There it is. My list of the Top 10 COBRA characters. Check back next week for the list of my Top 10 Joes. Peace and Love y'all.

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