Friday, June 26, 2009

Pass the Cheetos

Got in today from a day spent in Tyler with the family and came and checked my email and such. As usual I looked at the head lines listed on Yahoo's front page. This story just seemed to stand out for some reason.

Tenn. couple accused of assault using Cheetos

SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. – Authorities said a couple got into a fight using Cheetos. The Bedford County Sheriff's Department said a 40-year-old man and 44-year-old woman became involved in a 'verbal altercation.' Somehow, the orange puffy snacks were used in the assault.

Deputies said they were charged with domestic assault. No one was hurt.

According to the Shelbyville Times-Gazette, both posted bond of $2,500.


Information from: Shelbyville Times-Gazette,

That's right, they were fighting not over the Cheetos, but with the Cheetos. I feel that the line "No one was hurt" might have been a bit much. I mean I don't about you, but it seems to me that really the only way that a Cheeto is going to hurt someone (other than in the waist line perhaps) is if the "cheese" powder gets in their eye.

Imagine being the deputy called to the scene though. You get the call from dispatch that there is a domestic dispute going on so you make a beeline to the address. You get there, enter the house to the surely horrifying scene of orange dust all over everything, the couple covered in most of it, the crumpled bag that once held the snack food on the floor, its contents scattered all over the floor. And you have to call it in to dispatch.

How does that call sound do you think? "Uh, this is Unit 123. We are at the scene of that dispute you called in. Yeah, it seems they, uh, they were heatedly throwing Cheetos at each other as they were yelling....that's right, right the ones with Chester the Cheetah as the mascot....No, they're not the Puffs....those wouldn't fly as well, you're right...No, they're just the regular original style of Cheetos....yeah, we're gonna go ahead and bring them in....what do we charge them with?....Would it be with a weapon you think?....Ok, we'll be there in 20....Yeah have some wet wipes ready to clean their fingers."

As the deputy, when you show up at the door, how do you keep a straight face as the story is unfolding before you? They were arguing and it escalated to throwing Cheetos at each other. Man you know they had to be laughing on the way back to the station right? I know I would be. The sad thing is that they went to jail for all of this. Amazing. And they had to post $2500 each for bail. $5000 for what was basically a food fight with yelling. Goodness (shaking my head). Peace and Love y'all.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Various Things

It has been a long time since I have written anything on here. Did you miss me? Let's see what is there that has happened in the time since I last posted? Here are a few things:

  1. I spoke at the 6th Grade Graduation Ceremony here in Quitman. Doesn't sound like such a big thing, but it was one of the hardest speeches that I have ever had to write. And on top of that, I was far more nervous about it than I usually am with that kind of thing. The pressure of being accepted by a bunch of 6th graders I guess.
  2. We went on vacation. It was great to actually get to take a real vacation. Last year we weren't really able to, even though we did get to hit the beach. This year we went to Colorado Springs. It was nice. Made it really hard to come home to the heat and humidity, that's for sure.
  3. Boo turned 7. Crazy to think that my baby girl is 7 years old. It doesn't seem like it has been nearly that long since I first held her tiny body in my arms and realized: "Holy crap!! I'm responsible for the little person!"
  4. Did VBS. We had our VBS right after we got home from vacation. It was a good week, but I didn't have a very big part in it so I was kind of glad.
So I guess that it has been a little bit eventful since the last time I wrote anything. It has been such a good year for us here in Quitman. We just feel like we fit with this place, you know. That is such a great feeling after the 15 months we spent in San Angelo knowing after about 6 of those that we didn't fit, but trying desperately to do so.

July is nearly here and that means that I will have a lot going on. Starting July 5th I will be gone for about 3 of the 4 weeks that month. I will be gone for two straight weeks starting on that date, with about a half a day to be home and do laundry and such. Here is what my July looks like, in case you're interested.

  1. July 5th-11th- U.M. Army Mission Trip to Porter, TX. That is about 4 1/2 hours from here, not too bad, but the kids here are a little spoiled when it comes to travelling...they think that is so far to go. They should try living in Snyder, Texas where you have to drive at least an hour just to get to a place with an actual mall, then driving 4 1/2 hours doesn't seem so bad.
  2. July 12th-17th- District church camp at Lakeview. I'm on the director team this year, and got to help write the curriculum. It was some of the hardest stuff that I have ever had to write.
  3. July 17th-19th- 15 year semi-reunion in Midland. At least those are the last dates that I have heard.
  4. July 20th-25th- Home for the first time really since the 4th. Ahhhh.
  5. July 26th-30th- Mystery Trip to a mysterious place. Should be fun, especially since we will have some of the newer youth on the trip with us. It's a chance to get to know them and (hopefully) build some unity.
Then August gets here and I have one weekend trip to Rock the Desert the 7th-9th, and then we end the month with youth weekend the 28th-30th. It's going to be a crazy next couple of months, but really I'm looking forward to it. Please pray for me and my family for the next couple of months, especially in early July when I will be gone back to back weeks with only a few hours to spend with them. Peace and Love y'all.