So with it being Halloween and all, I thought that I would do a top 10 list related to the day. Now, this is in no way based on anything other than my own brain, so therefore it is all opinion and, much like some the information given by our presidential candidates, not really supported by what you would call evidence or facts. So here we go with my top 10 costumes for Halloween.
10) A different person- Just dress normal but tell people you are someone else.
9) A Hobo- Pull on some ratty old clothes and have some facial scruff along with a long stick with a red bandana tied to the end to carry your belongings and there you have it.
8) A trailer trash woman- Put the hair up in rollers, smear some green facial cream on, add a hair net and a long, pink terry-cloth bath rode and you are there.
7) A Whoopie Cushion- So at Wal-Mart you can find a costume that is this. Can't blow it up and have people sit on you though I'm pretty sure.
6) A Ninja- Some black clothes, a hood and mask to cover your mouth and nose and you're good.
5) A Pirate- Big crazy looking pants boots and big floppy hat with an eye patch and a stuffed parrot and there you go.
4) The Roaming Gnome- Saw a kid dressed like this today. The red pointy hat, a blue shirt, brown pants and a big white beard and Travelocity will be knocking on your door...or some people with a garden.
3) A cat- Get some ears and a tail, decide what color you're gonna be, add some make-up for the nose and whiskers and you can be purring in no time.
2) A Gorilla suit- No one will even know it's you in there.
1) A Clown- You want to scare people? Then this is the costume for you. Thanks to Stephen King these supposed jolly, fun loving types scare the pee out most of my generation...stupid people eating monster that looked like a clown, as if they weren't already creepy enough.
There you go. Some of the costumes that seem to catch my attention. Peace and Love y'all.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Big Balls in Cow Town
I want to thank my buddy Maggie for posting this video link in the first place. Without her, I wouldn't know about this to share.
This was in the new dorms at ASU Centennial Village. No idea what the thinking really was behind this, but hey, it's rather funny to see a longhorn in the hallways of ASU. From what Maggie said, one of the IT guys there got this off of the video surveillance and edited it together and added the music (of course, you never hear about there be music already in place in surveillance videos). Anyway, today is supposed to be a random, and to be honest that is rather random. Peace and Love y'all.
This was in the new dorms at ASU Centennial Village. No idea what the thinking really was behind this, but hey, it's rather funny to see a longhorn in the hallways of ASU. From what Maggie said, one of the IT guys there got this off of the video surveillance and edited it together and added the music (of course, you never hear about there be music already in place in surveillance videos). Anyway, today is supposed to be a random, and to be honest that is rather random. Peace and Love y'all.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Down the Road
Roni has a problem when it comes to driving. In fact, sometimes we don't even call it that, we just call it exploring because that seems to fit better. The fact isRoni is a bit directionally challenged. Even when we have lived someplace for a while, she at times still has a hard time being able to get around. It can be very frustrating and hard to understand at times. At the same time though she usually gets to where she is going. She isn't afraid to stop and ask for a little help along way. It seems like usually it wouldbe easier to just get on Mapquest and get the directions for where she wanted to go and just follow them. After all they are listed in a nice turn-by-turn order for you to read and be able to know that you are on the right path.
Donald Miller talks about how we go about following Jesus in his book Searching For God Knows What. He points out that when we really look at it, it is a relational thing, not a rules thing. Following Jesus isn't supposed to be like printing directions off ofMapquest . It's not that cut and dried for most of us mainly. Besides, isn't that one of the things that Jesus got on the religious leaders about? They gave the people all kinds of rules and regulations for how to follow God, but at times they were impossible to keep up with.
Following Jesus is less about traveling on the Interstate, and more about the back roads. It shouldn't be a list of directions that get us to the place we hope to be (after all, I've seen Mapquest take you to the wrong place), but rather more like Lewis and Clark, exploring and seeing what there is, knowing that eventually we will get to the place we are headed, all the while with a guide that knows the lay of the land and can direct us to where we are going. It is good to have some direction, but do we want everything to be spelled out for us exactly? Where is the adventure in that? Following Jesus should be just that, an adventure.
I know that this may not be the best method for driving, but doesn't it make more sense for following Jesus? Following him is supposed to be based more on a relationship, not on a list of rules and directions. What kind of relationship do we have if it is based all on do's and don'ts? As we follow him there are times that we have to stop and get guidance along the way, but that will be there. I know this may sound kind of open ended, but it was just the thought that occurred to me this morning as I was reading. Peace and love y'all.
Donald Miller talks about how we go about following Jesus in his book Searching For God Knows What. He points out that when we really look at it, it is a relational thing, not a rules thing. Following Jesus isn't supposed to be like printing directions off ofMapquest . It's not that cut and dried for most of us mainly. Besides, isn't that one of the things that Jesus got on the religious leaders about? They gave the people all kinds of rules and regulations for how to follow God, but at times they were impossible to keep up with.
Following Jesus is less about traveling on the Interstate, and more about the back roads. It shouldn't be a list of directions that get us to the place we hope to be (after all, I've seen Mapquest take you to the wrong place), but rather more like Lewis and Clark, exploring and seeing what there is, knowing that eventually we will get to the place we are headed, all the while with a guide that knows the lay of the land and can direct us to where we are going. It is good to have some direction, but do we want everything to be spelled out for us exactly? Where is the adventure in that? Following Jesus should be just that, an adventure.
I know that this may not be the best method for driving, but doesn't it make more sense for following Jesus? Following him is supposed to be based more on a relationship, not on a list of rules and directions. What kind of relationship do we have if it is based all on do's and don'ts? As we follow him there are times that we have to stop and get guidance along the way, but that will be there. I know this may sound kind of open ended, but it was just the thought that occurred to me this morning as I was reading. Peace and love y'all.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
So Saturday I went to Sweetwater, TX and got a new tattoo. I have to admit, it's pretty snazzy really. It is on my upper left arm near the shoulder. It is colored and just looks really cool in my opinion (of course, being on my body I'm really not going to say otherwise, you know?). In fact here is a picture of it:
I admit to being pretty pleased with this one. And the thing is, it's far from being my first. In fact it is my fourth. I know that some people have even more than that, but for me that is pretty impressive. But it has gotten me thinking.
What is it about tattoos that has made them such a part of our pop culture? Because, like it or not, they are here to stay (yes I intended the pun). Once upon a time, tattoos were reserved for inmates, sailors, pirates, and bikers. Now they can be found on the bodies of everyone from CEO's to pastors to supermodels and regular folks. What is it about these permanent markings that has become so appealing? I know personally that they can be rather addictive, but what is it that is so appealing in the first place?
All three of my brothers have at least one tattoo. One of my sister-in-laws has a couple. Youth ministers that I know either have them or are thinking about getting them. Former youth members have them. There is something about them that seems to grab peoples attention.
My personal belief is that it is a way for us to express and remember things that have great personal meanings to us. Here is what I have on my body:
1) Upper right arm- fish with a cross in it with the verse Matt. 4:19 under it. To me this is a reminder of the call of Jesus to come and follow him.
2) Right shoulder blade- Three crosses with the one in the middle being dominant with a banner reading Jesus on it. It again is a reminder of what Jesus did.
3) Left pectoral- Here I have the names of my wife and kids. They are all connected as well as being around my heart. They are very dear to me and a forever part of my life.
4) Upper left arm- The phrase "Be Christlike" over a cross with the dates 01/12/33 - 10/25/07 on it. This is the phrase that Grandad used to tell my mom and her siblings growing up. The cross is because of Grandad's faith and the dates are his birth and death. It is a reminder to me of him.
In my humble opinion, the reason that tattoos have become so popular is because of the fact that they allow us to express something of meaning from our lives in permanent ways. Even though they are popular and many people have them, they are still individualized. And that is what so much of our culture strives be individuals. Granted there are some who get them just to have them. But I would guess that most have a deeper meaning to them.
Think about that the next time you see someone flashing ink. There could possibly be a deeper meaning to that ink. Peace and Love y'all.

I admit to being pretty pleased with this one. And the thing is, it's far from being my first. In fact it is my fourth. I know that some people have even more than that, but for me that is pretty impressive. But it has gotten me thinking.
What is it about tattoos that has made them such a part of our pop culture? Because, like it or not, they are here to stay (yes I intended the pun). Once upon a time, tattoos were reserved for inmates, sailors, pirates, and bikers. Now they can be found on the bodies of everyone from CEO's to pastors to supermodels and regular folks. What is it about these permanent markings that has become so appealing? I know personally that they can be rather addictive, but what is it that is so appealing in the first place?
All three of my brothers have at least one tattoo. One of my sister-in-laws has a couple. Youth ministers that I know either have them or are thinking about getting them. Former youth members have them. There is something about them that seems to grab peoples attention.
My personal belief is that it is a way for us to express and remember things that have great personal meanings to us. Here is what I have on my body:
1) Upper right arm- fish with a cross in it with the verse Matt. 4:19 under it. To me this is a reminder of the call of Jesus to come and follow him.
2) Right shoulder blade- Three crosses with the one in the middle being dominant with a banner reading Jesus on it. It again is a reminder of what Jesus did.
3) Left pectoral- Here I have the names of my wife and kids. They are all connected as well as being around my heart. They are very dear to me and a forever part of my life.
4) Upper left arm- The phrase "Be Christlike" over a cross with the dates 01/12/33 - 10/25/07 on it. This is the phrase that Grandad used to tell my mom and her siblings growing up. The cross is because of Grandad's faith and the dates are his birth and death. It is a reminder to me of him.
In my humble opinion, the reason that tattoos have become so popular is because of the fact that they allow us to express something of meaning from our lives in permanent ways. Even though they are popular and many people have them, they are still individualized. And that is what so much of our culture strives be individuals. Granted there are some who get them just to have them. But I would guess that most have a deeper meaning to them.
Think about that the next time you see someone flashing ink. There could possibly be a deeper meaning to that ink. Peace and Love y'all.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Shoot Out
There is a shoot out coming, I can feel it. West Texas is where this is going to take place. Out on the Caprock in Jones Stadium in Lubbock. I just have the feeling that there could be a lot of points scored out there on Saturday.
The home team is the Texas Tech Red Raiders, #7 in the BCS. They are able to score just about at will really. This past week they dropped 63 on Kansas. Really the impressive thing with that is the fact that they only gave up only 21 to the Jayhawks. It means that Tech is actually playing defense this season, not just looking to outscore everyone. They have a decent run game this year and are able to use play action passes against teams which gives them an added dimension on that crazy high scoring offense of theirs. On top of that, they still have Graham Harrell and the best receiver in college football with Michael Crabtree.
The visitors however are the #1 ranked team in the BCS, the Texas Longhorns. The Longhorns have shown that they are deserving of the top ranking after impressive wins over Oklahoma, Missouri and Oklahoma State. They are an offense that has the likely front runner for the Heisman Trophy this year in Colt McCoy. He not only completes passes with incredible accuracy (81.8% in nearly 250 attempts) but is also a threat to run (he is the teams leading rusher with 412 yeards on the season). On top of this the Longhorns has a stout defense.
What I believe it will come down to in the end is which teams defense is able to get the most stops. Tech is playing much improved on that side and showed this week that they were for real in the Big 12. The Longhorns are always good on the defensive side of the ball, but are prone to giving up points to a (good) spread offense (The Red River Rivalry- 35 to OU). In the end, the defense that makes the most stops and the special teams that play the best will help to decide this game. On the line is an udefeated record (for both teams) plus the hope of getting to the national championship game. It should be very interesting as well as high scoring...I can't wait. Peace and Love y'all.
The home team is the Texas Tech Red Raiders, #7 in the BCS. They are able to score just about at will really. This past week they dropped 63 on Kansas. Really the impressive thing with that is the fact that they only gave up only 21 to the Jayhawks. It means that Tech is actually playing defense this season, not just looking to outscore everyone. They have a decent run game this year and are able to use play action passes against teams which gives them an added dimension on that crazy high scoring offense of theirs. On top of that, they still have Graham Harrell and the best receiver in college football with Michael Crabtree.
The visitors however are the #1 ranked team in the BCS, the Texas Longhorns. The Longhorns have shown that they are deserving of the top ranking after impressive wins over Oklahoma, Missouri and Oklahoma State. They are an offense that has the likely front runner for the Heisman Trophy this year in Colt McCoy. He not only completes passes with incredible accuracy (81.8% in nearly 250 attempts) but is also a threat to run (he is the teams leading rusher with 412 yeards on the season). On top of this the Longhorns has a stout defense.
What I believe it will come down to in the end is which teams defense is able to get the most stops. Tech is playing much improved on that side and showed this week that they were for real in the Big 12. The Longhorns are always good on the defensive side of the ball, but are prone to giving up points to a (good) spread offense (The Red River Rivalry- 35 to OU). In the end, the defense that makes the most stops and the special teams that play the best will help to decide this game. On the line is an udefeated record (for both teams) plus the hope of getting to the national championship game. It should be very interesting as well as high scoring...I can't wait. Peace and Love y'all.
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