I admit to being pretty pleased with this one. And the thing is, it's far from being my first. In fact it is my fourth. I know that some people have even more than that, but for me that is pretty impressive. But it has gotten me thinking.
What is it about tattoos that has made them such a part of our pop culture? Because, like it or not, they are here to stay (yes I intended the pun). Once upon a time, tattoos were reserved for inmates, sailors, pirates, and bikers. Now they can be found on the bodies of everyone from CEO's to pastors to supermodels and regular folks. What is it about these permanent markings that has become so appealing? I know personally that they can be rather addictive, but what is it that is so appealing in the first place?
All three of my brothers have at least one tattoo. One of my sister-in-laws has a couple. Youth ministers that I know either have them or are thinking about getting them. Former youth members have them. There is something about them that seems to grab peoples attention.
My personal belief is that it is a way for us to express and remember things that have great personal meanings to us. Here is what I have on my body:
1) Upper right arm- fish with a cross in it with the verse Matt. 4:19 under it. To me this is a reminder of the call of Jesus to come and follow him.
2) Right shoulder blade- Three crosses with the one in the middle being dominant with a banner reading Jesus on it. It again is a reminder of what Jesus did.
3) Left pectoral- Here I have the names of my wife and kids. They are all connected as well as being around my heart. They are very dear to me and a forever part of my life.
4) Upper left arm- The phrase "Be Christlike" over a cross with the dates 01/12/33 - 10/25/07 on it. This is the phrase that Grandad used to tell my mom and her siblings growing up. The cross is because of Grandad's faith and the dates are his birth and death. It is a reminder to me of him.
In my humble opinion, the reason that tattoos have become so popular is because of the fact that they allow us to express something of meaning from our lives in permanent ways. Even though they are popular and many people have them, they are still individualized. And that is what so much of our culture strives for...to be individuals. Granted there are some who get them just to have them. But I would guess that most have a deeper meaning to them.
Think about that the next time you see someone flashing ink. There could possibly be a deeper meaning to that ink. Peace and Love y'all.
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