Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Down the Road

Roni has a problem when it comes to driving. In fact, sometimes we don't even call it that, we just call it exploring because that seems to fit better. The fact isRoni is a bit directionally challenged. Even when we have lived someplace for a while, she at times still has a hard time being able to get around. It can be very frustrating and hard to understand at times. At the same time though she usually gets to where she is going. She isn't afraid to stop and ask for a little help along way. It seems like usually it wouldbe easier to just get on Mapquest and get the directions for where she wanted to go and just follow them. After all they are listed in a nice turn-by-turn order for you to read and be able to know that you are on the right path.

Donald Miller talks about how we go about following Jesus in his book Searching For God Knows What. He points out that when we really look at it, it is a relational thing, not a rules thing. Following Jesus isn't supposed to be like printing directions off ofMapquest . It's not that cut and dried for most of us mainly. Besides, isn't that one of the things that Jesus got on the religious leaders about? They gave the people all kinds of rules and regulations for how to follow God, but at times they were impossible to keep up with.

Following Jesus is less about traveling on the Interstate, and more about the back roads. It shouldn't be a list of directions that get us to the place we hope to be (after all, I've seen Mapquest take you to the wrong place), but rather more like Lewis and Clark, exploring and seeing what there is, knowing that eventually we will get to the place we are headed, all the while with a guide that knows the lay of the land and can direct us to where we are going. It is good to have some direction, but do we want everything to be spelled out for us exactly? Where is the adventure in that? Following Jesus should be just that, an adventure.

I know that this may not be the best method for driving, but doesn't it make more sense for following Jesus? Following him is supposed to be based more on a relationship, not on a list of rules and directions. What kind of relationship do we have if it is based all on do's and don'ts? As we follow him there are times that we have to stop and get guidance along the way, but that will be there. I know this may sound kind of open ended, but it was just the thought that occurred to me this morning as I was reading. Peace and love y'all.

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