So here is the continuation of last weeks top 10. Last week I gave yo my top 10 COBRA characters from the G. I. Joe universe. Again these were my all time favorite toys growing up (other than when we got a Nintendo). Anyway, we played with the figures as well as read the comics and watched the cartoon. To say we were fans might be an understatement. This list should probably be more fluid than it is seeing as how there were so many great characters and to be honest I can't remember them all. Oh and in case you are wondering about what it was that brought this on last week, it was the fact that these toys have been re-released in the last year and I would love to be able to collect them for Knight. Now, here is the list.
10) Duke- To be honest it took me a while to warm up to Duke. When we were kids and had his action figure or watched him on the cartoon, well, we didn't really like him. As I have thought about it in later years, I have come to realize that he really wasn't that bad and was a pretty good choice of leader for the Joes.
9) Recondo- The thing that gets him on the list was the fact that he was the focal point of a Special Missions issue early on in that series run and I really liked that issue for some reason. It showed what an incredible asset he was to the team. On top of that he had a really sweet Australian style cowboy hat that was tied up on one side and flat brimmed on the other.
8) Hit-n-Run- This guy was cool for some reason that I really can't put my finger on. He wore the dark green camo fatigues, a helmet with infra-red goggles on it, and had his face painted camo green. He also had a duffel bag with a rope and grappling hook. To this day, he is one of the ones that I will pick anytime I make an "elite" team of Joes.
7) Outback- Red headed with a bushy beard; camo pants and a white t-shirt with the word Survival on it (all the letters stood for something); a green Rambo-esque headband. These were just some of the things that made Outback cool. On top of that, he had a sweet gun and his arms were flippin' huge.
6) Spirit- The lone Native American Joe. Spirit was a tracker and came with an eagle as a pet. He was cool in that era because for some reason I always made a connection between Indians and ninjas. An Indian was just as good as ninja was in a fight I thought. Plus his rifle was made to look like it shot small arrows, like a crazy crossbow.
5) Gung-Ho- Ahhh the Marine. The guy was just awesome. He had an M-79 grenade launcher for a weapon, wore kind of an aqua green outfit and had the Marine Corp insignia tattooed on his chest. That and he had big frapping arms as well.
4) Scarlett- She was the original female G. I. Joe. She was from the South, had flaming red hair and carried a crossbow. On one glove she had two throwing stars, and on the other she carried a derringer pistol. The thing that made me like her so much though was the fact that she was a skilled martial artist and hung out with Snake Eyes.
3) Stalker- Stalker was just cool. Another one of the original Joes, he was an Army Ranger and had served with Scarlett and Snake Eyes in Vietnam. He wore a green beret and it always struck me that he would be tough.
1) Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes (tied)- These guys were just it man. I loved them both so much it was incredible. Storm Shadow started with COBRA looking for revenge on who it was that killed his uncle the Hard Master. He was trained as a ninja and he just kicked butt. He had swords and a bow and arrow (one of his figures did). On one figure you could see the family tattoo on his forearm. Snake Eyes has got to be the coolest guy ever. He was the strong silent type who never showed him face due to sever burns. He had a pet timber wolf named Timber and one of the coolest swords ever. He trained to be a ninja with Storm Shadow's family and has the same tattoo. Both of these guys were a big part of the reason that I not only collected but wanted to be a G.I. Joe.
Well that's it. Check back next week for a fresh top 10 list. Peace and Love y'all.
Friday, November 14, 2008
From 11 to 10
So Knight had his hand surgery this morning in Tyler. He went in at about 7:20 this morning and was out and we were with him in about an hour give or take a few minutes. The doctor informed us that it actually took a grand total of 18 minutes and most of that was the prep once he was in there. Overall everything went rather well.
The little man does have a rather large wrap on his left hand with only his fingers sticking out of it. Honestly it looks like a club, and I'm thankful on Puck's behalf that it isn't a hard cast...I just have a feeling she would be on the receiving end of a few shots if it were. He has done fantastic since he got done. He fussed a little right at first, but mainly because of the fact that the was trying to figure out how to use his wrapped hand. Since getting back to Quitman, he has be lowing and going and overall refusing to lay down and nap...such is the life of a 1 year old. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Even though it was overall a rather simple "procedure" it is rather frightening to have your baby being put under in order to do it. Your prayers were heard and are appreciated. Peace and Love y'all.
The little man does have a rather large wrap on his left hand with only his fingers sticking out of it. Honestly it looks like a club, and I'm thankful on Puck's behalf that it isn't a hard cast...I just have a feeling she would be on the receiving end of a few shots if it were. He has done fantastic since he got done. He fussed a little right at first, but mainly because of the fact that the was trying to figure out how to use his wrapped hand. Since getting back to Quitman, he has be lowing and going and overall refusing to lay down and nap...such is the life of a 1 year old. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Even though it was overall a rather simple "procedure" it is rather frightening to have your baby being put under in order to do it. Your prayers were heard and are appreciated. Peace and Love y'all.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Nice Beard Man

So this is Sarwan Singh. That is his beard that he is holding. This picture was taken on November 11, 2008 in Surrey, British Columbia. Sarwan is attempting to get into the Guinness Book of World records for having the longest beard. His beard measures 1.895 meters or just over 6 feet 2 inches.
Here is another picture of it:

Say A Prayer
This is going to be really short and to the point. Tomorrow morning at 7:15 (in Texas, in case there are any readers NOT in the Central Time Zone) my little boy, Knight, is going in for some surgery. He will be having the extra pinkie on his left hand taken off in Tyler. This is something that should be done fairly quickly, but the biggest concern that we have is the fact that they will have to put him to sleep to do it. Knight just turned 1 on Sunday, so that is where our concern comes from. Please say a prayer for him in the morning if you think about it. Peace and Love y'all.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monster Throw Down
I know I have already written a sports post this week, but I saw this and just really felt that I needed to put it on here. The quality of the video may not be great but you still get the idea of what is gong on.
Holy Crap!! Did you notice that he really wasn't on the way down when he got to the goal? That was stinking incredible man. Peace and Love y'all.
Holy Crap!! Did you notice that he really wasn't on the way down when he got to the goal? That was stinking incredible man. Peace and Love y'all.
From Fishing to Following
So a couple of weeks ago I finished reading the book Searching For God Knows What for the second time. It is one of my favorite books and probably my favorite by Don Miller. The way he explains the desired relationship between man and God is incredible to me. He makes it easy to understand in my opinion is probably what it is, but still.
Anyway, in the book he tells about a conversation that the had with a friend of his one day. They were talking about the passage at the end of John where Jesus is walking on the beach with Peter and asks him three times if he loves Him. Peter responds with a yes each time of course. The first time that Jesus asks, he phrases it like this: "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" Miller's friend raises a question to think about here. What if Jesus was talking about the fish?
That is after all what Peter and the others had been involved in doing right before this. They were out fishing. This is completely understandable for them. Here they are a bit discouraged and at a loss as to what to do next, and so they do that which they know: they go fishing. Basically they go back to the routine of their lives before Jesus called them to follow him. So what if the "these" that Jesus mentions is the fish, and the boats and the nets and the work? What if that is what Jesus is asking Peter about?
Here is the thing: in our faith, Jesus is calling us to step out of our comfort zone. That is where Peter had gone back to. He went back to what he knew before rather than going on with the call. I'm not blaming Peter or anything like that. In fact I understand why he did it. He was confused and didn't know what else to do. He did what he knew.
And that is where Jesus found him and called him from. Doesn't that seem to be the way it is for us? We go to the things we know, the things that are familiar and there Jesus finds us and calls us out of it and into something greater. It's to fall back on what is comfortable and familiar at times. What is important is that we be willing to leave it behind when Jesus calls us to follow Him. That is where we put this faith of ours into action. Peace and Love y'all.
Anyway, in the book he tells about a conversation that the had with a friend of his one day. They were talking about the passage at the end of John where Jesus is walking on the beach with Peter and asks him three times if he loves Him. Peter responds with a yes each time of course. The first time that Jesus asks, he phrases it like this: "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" Miller's friend raises a question to think about here. What if Jesus was talking about the fish?
That is after all what Peter and the others had been involved in doing right before this. They were out fishing. This is completely understandable for them. Here they are a bit discouraged and at a loss as to what to do next, and so they do that which they know: they go fishing. Basically they go back to the routine of their lives before Jesus called them to follow him. So what if the "these" that Jesus mentions is the fish, and the boats and the nets and the work? What if that is what Jesus is asking Peter about?
Here is the thing: in our faith, Jesus is calling us to step out of our comfort zone. That is where Peter had gone back to. He went back to what he knew before rather than going on with the call. I'm not blaming Peter or anything like that. In fact I understand why he did it. He was confused and didn't know what else to do. He did what he knew.
And that is where Jesus found him and called him from. Doesn't that seem to be the way it is for us? We go to the things we know, the things that are familiar and there Jesus finds us and calls us out of it and into something greater. It's to fall back on what is comfortable and familiar at times. What is important is that we be willing to leave it behind when Jesus calls us to follow Him. That is where we put this faith of ours into action. Peace and Love y'all.
Why is it that we as a people are so obsessed with celebrity? Really why do we care what they are wearing and doing all the time? Why is it front page type news when two celebrities are having a war of words or when they break up or get together for that matter? I really don't get it. I'm not saying that I don't do it at times, I just wonder WHY I do it.
Why is it that I care if President-elect Obama was playing basketball with friends just hours before the election, or what kind of dog they get or if they will use the bowling alley regularly there in the White House? None of that really seems to be that big of a deal to me. I don't care really that Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are fighting over Brad Pitt (or whatever it is this time around). It is a junior high type of thing to me.
Why is it that our culture is so taken with athletes that we pay them more than we pay the leader of our country and then hang on what they do as if it were actually important? I understnad that this is entertainment and that we need to have entertaiment (at least to a degree) to keep from giong crazy. But what I don't get is why it is such a huge industry to try and know what is going on in the lives of people who are not in our immediate circle of influence. Maybe we should start paying more attention to those people and go from there. Peace and Love y'all.
Why is it that I care if President-elect Obama was playing basketball with friends just hours before the election, or what kind of dog they get or if they will use the bowling alley regularly there in the White House? None of that really seems to be that big of a deal to me. I don't care really that Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are fighting over Brad Pitt (or whatever it is this time around). It is a junior high type of thing to me.
Why is it that our culture is so taken with athletes that we pay them more than we pay the leader of our country and then hang on what they do as if it were actually important? I understnad that this is entertainment and that we need to have entertaiment (at least to a degree) to keep from giong crazy. But what I don't get is why it is such a huge industry to try and know what is going on in the lives of people who are not in our immediate circle of influence. Maybe we should start paying more attention to those people and go from there. Peace and Love y'all.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Jonas Brothers
So I saw today on AOL that there is a pop star from England, whose name I don't recall, that is taking a shot at the Jonas Brothers and their purity pledge. She has said that if they are virgins then she is a man. I don't know, maybe she's like RuPaul and is a man.
Anyway this is something that stood out to me today. The reason is because this is the second time in only about 2 months (give or take) that someone (from England in fact) has taken a shot at the brothers for taking a stand about remaining pure until marriage. I guess I don't see where it should be such a big deal.
Actually I think I do know why it's such a big deal to these people. What these brothers are doing is a bit counter-cultural really. In the eyes of the people who are taking shots at them, this is not the norm. If you are famous and attractive then by all means you must be sleeping around. It has become just another accepted part of our pop culture it seems. And now when some people gain a platform and take a stand against that, it becomes time to try and tear it down.
I for one applaud the Jonas Brothers for actually taking the stand and saying they are virgins and intend to remain that way until they are married. It takes some guts on their part to do that...because just because you have the platform to speak from doesn't always mean you actually do. Peace and Love y'all.
Anyway this is something that stood out to me today. The reason is because this is the second time in only about 2 months (give or take) that someone (from England in fact) has taken a shot at the brothers for taking a stand about remaining pure until marriage. I guess I don't see where it should be such a big deal.
Actually I think I do know why it's such a big deal to these people. What these brothers are doing is a bit counter-cultural really. In the eyes of the people who are taking shots at them, this is not the norm. If you are famous and attractive then by all means you must be sleeping around. It has become just another accepted part of our pop culture it seems. And now when some people gain a platform and take a stand against that, it becomes time to try and tear it down.
I for one applaud the Jonas Brothers for actually taking the stand and saying they are virgins and intend to remain that way until they are married. It takes some guts on their part to do that...because just because you have the platform to speak from doesn't always mean you actually do. Peace and Love y'all.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Guns Up
Man what a game that was Saturday night. Texas Tech came out on fire and just simply put a beating on Oklahoma State. And by beating I mean it was like they took them out behind the woodshed and whipped them with a belt over and over. It was rough.
The thing is, as ugly as it was for OSU, it was just as much a thing of beauty for Tech. Here is how it went for Tech in this game: on their first possession of the game they ran three plays and fumbled the ball away to OSU. Then on their next 7 possessions they scored touchdowns. Seven straight times on offense that resulted in a touchdown. Finally on their 9th possession they turned the ball over again and then on thier tenth possession they scored one last TD forgood measure. So two turnovers with 7 TDs sandwiched in between and one more after the second fumble just because they could. No punts, no fieldgoals, only touchdowns. Not a bad day really.
These weren't short, quick drives either. These were touchdown dirves that covered 80, 70, 97, 72, 48, 80, 96, and 74 yards. That is a lot of ground to cover every time. Seven of the eight drives ended with a touchdown pass. Graham Harrell threw 6 TDs and his back up threw the last one. It was overall a very impressive offensive performance for Tech. And the defense stepped up as well. They held OSU to only 20 points and forced 4 punts and 2 turnovers. This is the best D that the Red Raiders have played since Leech took over as head coach.
Say what you will, I think Tech deserves the number two spot in the BCS. They have played incredibly well this season...far better than I would have expected them to. The defense has played big and the offense has been firing on all cylinders. They are playing like an elite team in an elite conference, and that makes it all the more exciting to see. Peace and Love y'all.
The thing is, as ugly as it was for OSU, it was just as much a thing of beauty for Tech. Here is how it went for Tech in this game: on their first possession of the game they ran three plays and fumbled the ball away to OSU. Then on their next 7 possessions they scored touchdowns. Seven straight times on offense that resulted in a touchdown. Finally on their 9th possession they turned the ball over again and then on thier tenth possession they scored one last TD forgood measure. So two turnovers with 7 TDs sandwiched in between and one more after the second fumble just because they could. No punts, no fieldgoals, only touchdowns. Not a bad day really.
These weren't short, quick drives either. These were touchdown dirves that covered 80, 70, 97, 72, 48, 80, 96, and 74 yards. That is a lot of ground to cover every time. Seven of the eight drives ended with a touchdown pass. Graham Harrell threw 6 TDs and his back up threw the last one. It was overall a very impressive offensive performance for Tech. And the defense stepped up as well. They held OSU to only 20 points and forced 4 punts and 2 turnovers. This is the best D that the Red Raiders have played since Leech took over as head coach.
Say what you will, I think Tech deserves the number two spot in the BCS. They have played incredibly well this season...far better than I would have expected them to. The defense has played big and the offense has been firing on all cylinders. They are playing like an elite team in an elite conference, and that makes it all the more exciting to see. Peace and Love y'all.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
So I have been doing a play for the last 8 weeks or so. The play is called Smoke on the Mountain and it is a musical comedy set in 1938 in a small Baptist church in Mt. Pleasant, North Carolina. It centers around the Sanders Family Singers and their return to the Gospel circuit after a five year hiatus. I played the pastor of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church and was the one responsible for bringing the Sanders in for a Saturday night sing.
The play has been an absolute blast to be a part of. I have had so much fun doing this and getting to know the people that were in the cast with me. What a great group of people to get to know and share this experience with. We performed six times and had great audiences each time we did it. Today however was our final performance. It was a fun time and the crowd was great.
It has been a fun and crazy two months. I will miss spending time with those who were in the cast with me, but it will be nice have my nights back for a while. Things like this are great to do and get to be a part of, and there is always the sadness of getting done after forming bonds with people in the show, and yet at the same time it is nice to be able to know that I relax and be home at night. Anyway, I just wanted to share that. Peace and Love y'all.
The play has been an absolute blast to be a part of. I have had so much fun doing this and getting to know the people that were in the cast with me. What a great group of people to get to know and share this experience with. We performed six times and had great audiences each time we did it. Today however was our final performance. It was a fun time and the crowd was great.
It has been a fun and crazy two months. I will miss spending time with those who were in the cast with me, but it will be nice have my nights back for a while. Things like this are great to do and get to be a part of, and there is always the sadness of getting done after forming bonds with people in the show, and yet at the same time it is nice to be able to know that I relax and be home at night. Anyway, I just wanted to share that. Peace and Love y'all.
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