Do you ever wonder why in the world you are even here? Why is it that you are here at this time in this place? How does God (if He is even there) view all of this craziness? Is He paying attention? These are questions that we all struggle with at times and wonder about as we slog through this crazy world. In this book, N. D. Wilson lays out what he sees as God's design for us on the crazy, spinning sphere that we call Earth.
The questions that each of us has probably asked at one point or another are laid out here for us to consider. Wilson looks at each of these from the point of view that God is the Creator, the Artist, the Author, the Painter and the Poet. So many times it is easy for us to get lost in the questions that threaten to consume us, and yet this is a fresh point of view of who God is and how He feels toward us, His creation. Wilson doesn't quote a great deal of Scripture, and yet he is Biblically sound in his presentation. The style of writing, although seemingly random at first, holds you fast once you catch the rhythm of it. Reading this, I begin to realize that there are unfathomable depths to the Infinite Creators love and desire for His creation. This is a book that I would recommend to those who feel they have heard it all, and are looking for a new way of relating to God.
Peace and Love y'all.