Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day

Here we are the day after the most historic election in our country's history. It is awesome to get to be a part of this day honestly. I always find it to be incredible when history happens and you can say you were there to witness it. In many ways this is the culmination of what so many people have worked for so many years. This is the culmination of what Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. started all those years ago. What an incredible feeling.

Now, I know that there are some people who have their doubts about how this is going to work out. I think in part the fear comes from the idea of change. I there are other things that people are worried about, but that is for a different time than this. This country is ready for change.

This is my day to write a faith blog I know. Honestly that's what this is. With the election of Obama in the books, I got to thinking this morning about this. Almost immediately a scripture came to my mind. That scripture is one that I have thought about many times and yet today it seems so very fitting. Here it is:

"Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5

Here is my view on this election. I was reading a blog yesterday on called "Election Test." This was a true/false test about the election. One of the things that stood out in the test was the question that went something like this: Regardless of what happens in this election, God is still in control. That is the big thing for me with this election. As a person of faith, what is important is for me to pray for God to use the person that He has placed in power. Romans 13:1 talks about how those who are in power are put there by God. We serve an infinitely huge God, so big there is no way we can ever fully understand or describe Him. So why do we seem to some times take on the attitude in situations like this that He has been knocked off of His throne?

If you have to see yourself as Job in all this, then by all means do that I guess. We are called to first be loyal to the Kingdom of God with loyalty to country as distant second at best. God is a God of change...He himself doesn't change, but He is all about changing us and our lives. God is bringing about a new day, not a repeat of the other day. In the end, God is still in control, the tomb is still empty, and Jesus is still our one hope of salvation from eternal death. No president or election changes that. Peace and Love y'all.

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