Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Roni and I watched a movie last night. What we watched was Hancock. Now I'm pretty easy when it comes to movies. There isn't much that I don't think is at least ok, and to that end I have to say that I liked Hancock. I liked the idea of him being a superhero who it seems is all alone in the world and how that affects his mindset. I like that he is not Superman (although just as powerful) in that he is not "squeaky clean." I like that he is a man that has problems and has to figure out what he is doing with his life. In other words, I like that he is a mess.

As we watched, I started having thoughts about the movie as I am prone to do. I started thinking about how there were things that I found that could be related back to a relationship with God. I started paying attention to what there was that stood out to me and I started letting these things form and now here they are for you (lucky you).

There is a line in the movie that stood out to me the first time that I watched and then again this second time (admittedly, I had forgetten about the line going into last nights viewing). It is a line from Ray, the PR guy trying to help Hancock get things figured out as they are standing in jail. Hancock has been brought up on charges for various things and turned himself in in an effort to recast his image. At this point he has had enough, and being the super being that he is, he's about to leave. Just walk out, fly away whatever. As he is headed for the door (who can stop a superpowered being really?), Ray confronts him. This is what he tells him (or it is a close approximation to it at least): "You have a calling ; you're a hero Hancock. And you're going to be miserable the rest of your life if you don't accept that."

Have you ever felt that way? That your life was just not what you wanted it to be? I know that I have. See I believe that we all have a calling on our lives that comes from and is inspired by God. He has something special designed for each of us in our lives. It may not be something that seems glorious all the time, but it is somewhere that we can serve Him and bring a bit of His light to a dark world. The key is that we have to accept that calling. Just like Hancock, we have to accept that there is something we are meant to do.

Hancock didn't wait to get his life all straightened out before he accepted his calling. His life was messy and he still made mistakes, even as he was attempting to follow his call. That is where our life may be. Just because we have accepted a call doesn't mean that life won't still have some messy spots. It doesn't mean that we have to get everything single thing spic-n-span before we start to live out that calling. Our job is to surrender to that call and begin living it out in our daily lives. We leave the cleaning up, up to the One who has called us. We will always make messes. The important thing is that God will always be cleaning us up, so long as we are turning the messes over to Him to be cleaned. Peace and Love y'all.

1 comment:

Kamakaze said...

Great post, man. Definitely some truth here.