Friday, December 5, 2008

Breakfast Time

So one of my favorite things is cereal. I dig cereal for breakfast, I dig it for a snack, I dig it at night. The thing is, it's basically all the "kid" cereals that I like. I'm not so much into the "healthy" adult stuff really like Grape Nuts or Shredded Wheat. Those just don't do it for me. So since I dig all the kids cereal, it made me think a little bit about all the weird "mascots" that these breakfast foods have. So here are ten that I thought were weird to be representing breakfast and breakfast cereal.

10) The Bee- I get the thinking behind it with it being Honey Nut Cheerios, but most people that I have ever met aren't really all that keen on bees.

9) Cap'n Crunch- Is he a pirate? Is he a regular sailor in the Queen's Royal Navy? And what's up with his eyebrows being on his hat?

8) The Chef- Does it really require a dude in a chef's hat to make Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Does it take a chef at all for cold breakfast cereal?

7) Lucky- This one makes a bit more sense seeing as how the cereal is full of items that are supposed to bring luck. Still...

6) The Elves- You know Snap, Crackle and Pop...three little elves who make Rice Crispies "talk" to us. Snap, crackle and pop aren't usually the sounds you really want to hear while eating, well anything really.

5) The Furry, Fluffy, Fuzzy Monster- This is the newest representative of Honeycombs. I just don't really understand him. Is it that this is what you're kids will act like if they don't get Honeycomb, or is it that it turns them into this after they eat it? Either way, I'm not sure I want that happening.

4) Sonny- Is Sonny a bird? I guess he is since he is coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. Just saying...

3) Tuccan Sam- Another bird hawking cereal. Sam just loves his Froot Loops. I guess it's because they are brightly colored like his beak.

2) The Rabbit- You know I actually saw a commercial once where the Rabbit got the Trix. No lie. I only saw it one time, and it was a little girl sitting on the front steps and she gave him his own bowl of them. Regardless of who Trix are intended for, why is a rabbit the mascot?

1) The Wolf- Cookie Crisp has a wolf as their mascot. It is because of his howl I believe...Coooo-oooo-oookie Crisp. Yeah, he's still a wolf and it's cookie flavored and shaped cereal...go figure.

Anyway, I just thought these were some weird mascots for cereal and I wanted to share them with you. Peace and Love y'all.

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