Monday, July 26, 2010

And the Silver Medal Goes To...

I've been doing youth ministry now for 14 years. It is something that I love doing and feel like I'm good at it (at least somewhat). In all those years I have heard the question(s) about when am I going to do "real" ministry or when am I going to head to seminary or when am I going to get my own church many times. Thankfully, as the years have gone by these questions have gotten to be fewer and farther between.

I have a whole list of people that I am thankful for who have influenced me in my path and have invested in me over the years. I won't start naming them here for fear of 1) leaving out many along the way and 2) sounding like it's the Friday "testimony/share" time at camp or on a mission trip. But know this, I am thankful beyond anything I could ever express to those who have played a part in who I am as a Christ follower as well as a youth minister.

That is why I wanted to post this link to today's post on Stuff Christians Like.

Peace, Grace and Love y'all.

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