Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So I was noticing the other day that Levi's has some strange commercials. The one that I saw the other day was the one that inspired this line of thinking. Here is that particular spot:

Anyway just watching me made me wonder why it is that we even think about such things. I think it has a little bit to do with our Jackass style obsession with things. We like to see people do things that are crazy and especially guys do things that could cause them pain in particular in a specific area. I don't know why, but that seems to be the deal.

Anyway, I know the idea behind this is that "not everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time." Good way to portray that I suppose. It is the American way to be different and to be individuals in everything that we do. My question I guess is if this is always the best thing to do? I don't know, but I thought I would ask, you know? Peace and Love y'all.

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