Wednesday, December 10, 2008

All A Part of the Plan

Have you ever thought about what God did this season? What he did with giving us Jesus. It's kind of crazy when you think about it. God sent his son to Earth in order that we could be reconciled to Him. It is incredible to think about you know. That God would want to be reconciled with us humans. Seems that it would have been easier to just write us off and start over. And yet that is not what happened.

Tonight we talked about this at 2Forty2. We talked about God's plan that was first revealed to us in the birth of a baby in a manger a little over 2000 years ago. It is incredible to me to ponder this.

What we talked about tonight though was how and to who God revealed this plan. He did it in two ways. First he used a star in the heavens to alert some guys to what was going down. The amazing thing about this is that these guys were Gentiles. They were not who you would think would be alerted to the birth of God's son. They were most likely Persians and from a priestly tribe much like the Levites were for the Israelites. These men were much like royalty. They were well educated and well versed in philosophy and natural science and astrology. They saw the star and knew that it meant something other than what they were used to seeing. We don't know for sure what it was that they saw...maybe a comet, maybe some planets. Regardless, they interpreted it as God breaking into our world with something important.

The other group that God revealed His plan to was a group of shepherds. These were the guys that people didn't really associate themselves with. These were the guys that were considered to be low lifes, thugs, thieves and liars. They were at the bottom of the ladder socially. It was to this group that God chose to reveal his plan through the announcement of the armies of Heaven. Not exactly the group that you would think would get the big fancy announcement.

We can take a few things from this however. First is that when we look at who God chose to reveal His plan to, it was a group of Gentiles and the outcasts. This is tells us that we have been a part of God's plan from the very beginning. Secondly, it tells us that God sent Jesus for everyone. Both ends of the spectrum and all those in the middle as well. Finally, it tells us that the way God reveals himself to us is different from person to person. God has no set way of showing up. It would be great if we could dictate how that would go, but we can't.

God has a plan and it involves us. He desires to have a relationship with us on a personal level, and he longs for us to know him deeper. That was the plan God was revealing to us those 2000 years ago. Peace and Love y'all.

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