Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wall E

Wall E came out today on DVD and blu ray disc. It's not a bad flick and in fact Averi and I went and saw it when it hit the theatres. I'm looking forward to watching it again in the comfort of my home.

In case you don't know, Wall E is the story of a little worker robot who has continued to do his job of cleaning the earth even though there was no organic life to clean for. Wall E does his job without hesitation and with a sense of purpose. See all the humans have left Earth and are now living on a huge space ship waiting to return to earth once it is determined that there is a chance that life can once again be sustained there. In their absence however, they have grown fat and lazy. They no longer do anything for themselves and have everything done for them. As I watched the movie I was struck by two things.

First the seeming commentary on what seems to becoming our state of mind as a society. The humans were no longer willing or able to do anything that required actual physical activity. We are now the most obese nation in the world and this is a fact that has reached to our children as well. Much of it is due to the fact that we have become a sedimentary group. We like to sit and watch TV rather than be out and about. We have cars that take us everywhere rather than walking and we eat foods that are rich in things that make us fat. I know that this doesn't apply to everyone, but it does seem to be a growing state of things. It is a sad state really.

The other thing that stood out was Wall E himself. He continued to do his job no matter that there was no one there to see, or to praise him. He did what he was programmed to do and he did it gladly (for a robot that is). It is the way that we should strive to go about our lives. Not everything is something that we should to be praised. There are somethings that we should just do because it is what needs to be done. As a follower of Jesus, we press on even when we it seems hard or nigh impossible to do so. In the end we know a reward awaits us. Just a couple of thoughts that stood out on the movie. Peace and Love y'all.

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