Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well today is Ash Wednesday, so that means the beginning of Lent.  Time to give up something for the next 40 days or so (until Easter at least I guess).  I've done this in the past but to be honest not always very successfully.  I will go for a little while and then end up breaking it for one lame reason or another.  So this year I am going to really try to stick with my Lent.  Here are 10 things that I considered for this year.

10) Hating on the Dallas Mavericks- This has got to be my least favorite team in pretty much any sport that I care about (and that is really saying something when you consider the Yankees, Patriots and Lakers are out there).  I'm just not a fan of this team, and have even been known to use their name as a derogatory term.  Alas, I'm afraid that this would be just too difficult for me to stick with for what is basically the remainder of the season.

9) Dating other girls- I suspect that this one doesn't actually count for two reasons: 1) I'm married and Roni would do me serious bodily harm, and 2) you should really give up something that you do anyway.  To be honest, I wouldn't date anyone even if Roni was cool with it (which again she for sure is NOT).

8) Showering (or hygiene in general)- I do like to shower and bathe and brush my teeth and all those things, so to give it up would fit that requirement.  However I don't think it would take long for people to beg me to break my Lent with this one, and I'm not sure that is a good thing.

7) Blogging- Really I'm not consistent enough right now for that to be a big deal.  I don't think it would have the same effect to tell someone that I gave up blogging for Lent and them respond by asking something like "You blog? Who knew!"

6) Spending time with my kids- Again not a great idea.  Roni would not go for it and I don't think that my kids would like the idea much either.  But besides that, there are three of them, there's no escape anyway.

5) Going to bed late- I've tried this before when it wasn't Lent and I'm just not sure that I can do it.  Come to think of it though, maybe that would be a good idea. Hmmm.

4) Talking- Just in general you know.  I could do the whole monk thing and go for 40 days of silence.  The main problems here are that I don't think people would leave me alone and would keep talking to me, speaking is part of my job, and I like to get to talk to my wife and kids too much.

3) Bathroom time- No way.  Just not going to happen.  First of all I don't think it would be looked at favorably for me to start using the trees behind the house as my spot.  Secondly, well without this time, I don't know that I would ever be able to get away from the rest of the world.  Third, I'm just not thinking that friends and family would be understanding of my suddenly deciding to wear Depends for 40 days.

2) Texting- Now were getting crazy.  Without this, how in the world would I be able to communicate important messages to my youth and friends and family?  Without this how would I get up to the minute reports about what's going on in the world of sports?  And without this, how  ever would I be able to get those great forwards about Jesus and how I'm ashamed of Him if I don't retext the message to at least 10 folks?

1) Giving stuff up- Let's be honest here.  I'm not good at giving stuff up really, at least not like this.  I once gave up the XBOX for Lent. I think that is the only time that I have stuck with it.  I think the best thing I could give up is this idea that I have to give something up.

Well there it is.  My list of possibilities for going without this Lenten season.  Peace and Love y'all.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Youth Ministry Resources

I read this today in a Youth ministry eNewsletter that I get.  I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it here.  I think that in youth ministry this has been going on for years and it has finally caught up to "big" church.  Peace and Love y'all Youth Ministry Resources & News

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