Thursday, March 19, 2009

And In This Corner...

I think that the MMA is getting a little carried away. I understand the draw of it, but come on. I just read that there are allegations that South Oak Cliff High School in Dallas made some students settle their differences by squaring off in some bare knuckled cage fights.

That's right, the teachers encouraged the students to settle their disputes by locking them in a cage there at the school and letting them fight. No word on if they were hardcore matches or just strait pin falls. Perhaps they had a few tag team matches as well, I'm not sure.

Regardless it is said that the principal knew what was going on. Whether or not he was there for any of the fights I don't know. He could have been a guest referee I suppose. I know that this is really not a good thing, but imagine for a few moments what this could all look like.

In the hallways between classes fighters are giving interviews and calling out their opponents. If one guy was just getting pounded there is a run in by some of his buddies to help. Go all WWE for it.

Maybe the people got wise to what was going on when the big octogon was ordered for the field house. Or maybe they started announcing the matches during the morning announcements. The Hell in a Cell match tipped them off. Regardless of what your view is of punishment in schools and how that should be handled, THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! There has to be a better way. Peace and Love y'all.