Monday, November 9, 2009

The Big 2 and New Info about Dental Health

So the Little Man turned 2 today. It is hard to believe that this time two years ago, I had welcomed my son into the world. Time has gone by so fast. There have been such crazy changes in that time it's unbelievable almost. We went from being in a "big" church to no church (or ministry job) to living with parents (hard to do as a family of 5) and working for a scaffolding company, to being in a smaller church that has a big heart and loves us and all our children a great deal. God has blessed us in these last two years.

So they say that this is the age where the child begins to want to assert themselves a bit more and they get to be a bit more of a challenge, thus it is dubbed the "Terrible Twos" (honestly, I'm not sure why it is plural). With the girls, this didn't start really until the year after at 3. With the boy, well lets just say he got the memo early about asserting his independence.

It has been so different having him around. He is just something else. A few weeks ago he got me up about 4:30 in the morning and took me to the living room. Once we were there, he turned on the TV, which happened to be tuned to ESPN, and started watching the replay of Boise State and Tulsa from earlier that evening. About a week ago he took me to the living room about 5:30ish. I tried to get him to lay on the couch with me to go back to sleep, but he wasn't having it. Instead, he directed me to the kitchen, had me get him a Pop Tart and some juice, and then and sat on the couch and turned on SportsCenter. He is quite the little man.

I can't imagine my life without him now at this point. He is a very special little boy to his Moma and I as well as to his sisters. We love him very much, and are so happy to get to celebrate two years of him being a part of this family.

Now onto the new info about dental health. For those of you who don't know, I have a tooth that is discolored. The reason for this is the fact that as a Freshman in high school I had it broken in half one day at basketball practice. It has never really been the same colorwise since that day. I have come to terms with this. It seems however that it is something that stands out to young kids. Puck as of late seems to have noticed this. Tonight, as we lay on the couch trying to get her to go to sleep, she started telling me about teeth a bit. Mainly she informed me that if people drink lemonade, that will turn their teeth my tooth that I have. So glad to know that that is the reason that the tooth is discolored, it is simply from all the lemonade that I drink. So remember, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, but realize that if you drink that lemonade, it will turn your teeth yellow. I guess that is chance you have to be willing to take. Peace and Love y'all.